Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Malaysian Rebellion

[summarized from the article written by Harimau Tua]

Many have celebrated the Internet as medium of emancipation, provider of media or information freedom and also instrument for social-political activism.Then we can see that,Whether or not the Malaysian Authorities would want to admit it, Malaysia is currently facing a rebellion. The every day Malaysians are now rebelling against their govern ment that has been power in power for 54 Years.

The rebellion is strongly coming in from the Islamic Youth Movement, which is seen as a religiously motivated of discontent. The other rebels seem to be the total opposite of the Islamic inclined struggle(head shaking,rocking,hip-hopping or what we called intoxicated young independent justice).More surprising is that this frowned upon teens are actually brilliant,bright students and young professional.Driven by the ideas of social justice,freedom,humanity and knowledge these group of youngsters albeit passive are putting their acquired knowledge in the effort of overthrowing the status Quo.

Albeit the unique social justice,there are also plenty of young bloods who are not concerned about the future and still daydreaming about love,boy/girlfriends and obey the Gov heart and soul.This is the same group of youndster that go to University simple because it necessary to secure a well paying job.This group that would rarely understand what the rebels are fighting for.

The Gov has been immensely paranoid about youths who have begun thinking critically. The Gov has begun demonizing them by labelling themas nuisance and law breakers. However what they seem overlook is that rebellion is coming from educated students,whi are concerned about their future. Like it or not, THESE ARE THE LEADERS of TOMMOROW and it is only matter of time till they organise themselves better.

The Gov  has been trying all alternatives in their ways to kill these voices of dissents. We can see that from BERSIH RALLY.. It is astonishing as to how the police put so much time and effort to suppress these youth.

Currently,we can see that some issues that raised by the Gov such as Mat Indera,Murtad and so on lead to transformation on how youths are thinking about the history and they are agressively wanted to know what's the truth behind the issues. Because of the speedy-spreading news via internet,everyone can have the information only typing the words of the topics they are searching for. The matter is whether you want to believe it or not.
Malaysians are taking charge of their future and stepping up for what they deserve.However it is predicted that the harder the suppress the harder the rebels. The best part out of all of this,is that the rebels look like they are here to stay, giving civil society movements a better bite at things.

Before I finish off the lines, I just want to share these ayat from al-Quran:

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang yang sentiasa menegakkan keadilan, lagi menjadi saksi (yang menerangkan kebenaran) kerana Allah, sekalipun terhadap diri kamu sendiri, atau ibu bapa dan kaum kerabat kamu..”.                                                                                                                     (An-Nisa:135)

"Dan Janganlah kamu menjadi seperti seorang perempuan yang menguraikan benangnya yang sudah dipintal dengan kuat; kemudian menceraikannya kembali. Kamu menjadikan perjanjianmu sebagai alat penipu di antaramu, disebabkan adanya golongan yang lebih banyak jumlahnya dari golongan yang lain. Sesungguhnya Allah hanya menguji kamu dengan hal itu. Dan sesungguhnya di hari kiamat akan dijelaskan-Nya kepadamu apa yang dahulu kamu perselisihkan itu."                                                                                     (an-Nahl:92)

Wallahualam bissawab.

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